
The Wild Horse & Her Plans

I went to visit this kid last weekend, very good friend of mine. I went to an event that she planned out, and that I ended up doing the poster for. I did it in a very short amount of time, so it could have been better. But it was fun to do. :)

There were many other fun happenings, socializing, raving, the things that kids my age still tend to do from time to time. all in all a wonderful little adventure. One of the more inspiring ones.

1 comment:

Ghost Town said...

Hey Krissy,

I really like your drawing style.
But I will admit I saw a posting of yours online about a year ago saying you bought this new domain from blogger.com and got all those 404 errors. I am having the exact same problem. How did you fix it? Im at the point where it wont allow me to sign in under my old blogg address.